11.3 mi from Sutton to Webster on Aug 2
48 mi from West Springfield to Southbridge on Aug 3
109.5 mi from Sturbridge to Bourne on Aug 4
80 mi from Bourne to Provincetown on Aug 5
248.8 miles total.
During each of those miles my thoughts and prayers will be with the following people and their families:
* Judy Azadan
* Marcia Haggis
* Douglas Carr
* Dave Beauregard
* Ken Hambley
* Jeanne St. Martin
* Tom King
* Joann Thayer
* Kate Elizabeth Lambert
* Robert Roy
* Fran Koury
* Pat Bradshaw
* Dorothy King
* Beverly Sullivan
* Anthony Muto
* Janice Kelley
* Rosa Botaish
* Dick Denton
* Mary Clair Hovermale
* Christine Lawton
* Patricia Lees
* Joyce Medeiros
* Judy Stevens
* Bill Wadsworth
* John Moy
* Paul Dirnberger
* Herb Donovan
* Julie Woolhouse
* Patti Woolhouse
* Raymond Leveille
* Douglas Tolderlund
* Joanne Monahan
* Maureen Carroll