Thursday, June 28, 2007

the catholic guilt

I always feared giving confession as a kid because I hated the part where you had to tell the priest that it has been XXX number of months since your last confession. After I missed a few weeks, it became easier to live with the pain of sinning than haveing to face one of God's linemen and fess up to how much I've slacked in my responsibilities.

Same goes for this blog. At some point it just became easier to find a reason not to update it than to have to write something. But I'll be better, I promise.

Since the end of April, we've been busy...

-I installed a walkway to our front doors from the driveway stairs. It is sweet.
-We've had short vacations to the Cape (terrible) and Gloucester (wonderful).
-We've started and completed CJ's first season of tee-ball and he had a blast. Coaching him was fun too.
-I've been riding my rear off and will be more than ready for the PMC. Why, just today I went 58 miles!
-Ali's mom is hanging tough and is on a different treatment plan than thay had originally planned, though I'm not certain why.

So there you go. You'r eup to date and it wasn't so bad asking for your forgiveness afterall...

Thursday, June 14, 2007


hi. sorry. I know I've been slacking here, but things have been really busy as the weather has been nice for the most part. Translation: yardwork! More soon.